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# Oakland研究

A man speaking into a microphone at a podium, with a panel of people seated behind him.


The Program - 十大菠菜台子’s I2B programs offer assistance to regional business from the ideation phase through established companies. We have developed four I2B programs to both assist regional business and provide OU students with a hands-on entrepreneurial experience.

  • I2B -启动:  Teams of OU students and mentors offer assistance to businesses in the early phases of their development.(8周)
  • I2B -顾问:  Multidisciplinary teams of OU students work with established businesses on specific projects (12+ weeks)
  • I2B -国际:  Offers students an international experience in the US or overseas (12 weeks).
  • I2B -大使:  Ambassadors serve as spokesmen/women and advocates of the program (24 Weeks).

How it works - The I2B program assists companies in rapidly (within a matter of weeks) identifying and evaluating the critical next step(s) in their progress toward commercialization. 这些步骤包括开展以下项目:认真的市场分析, 制定一个可靠的商业计划, 产品设计, 等.  The I2B utilizes student teams consisting of a two mentors (business and company) plus both OU undergraduate and graduate students with a variety of backgrounds. 该项目对所有奥克兰学生开放.

The 业务 mentors assist I2B by overseeing progress, providing advice and needed expertise. These volunteers are OU faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as local executives and entrepreneurs. Each participating company provides a mentor for their team; this individual has the needed domain expertise.

Student Benefits - The most tangible outcome for the students is developing an entrepreneurial mindset: the ability to think creatively about problems in which resources are often limited. 这直接转化为创业技能. 大多数学生没有建立自己的公司, but the experiences gained the real-world context of the I2B program will benefit them in any work environment. 工作技能之外, I2B students will meet people from a diversity of backgrounds and with varying levels of expertise. Such networking 机会 will help their future careers and employment prospects.

Company Benefits - The I2B program furnishes companies with targeted assistance focused on specific gaps in their development path.,或公司设计的特定项目.  而获得的信息或工作产品的类型是不同的, the end-goal is that the company has solve a question or problem related to its commercialization plans.

The program is jointly supported by Oakland’s School of 工商管理 and the 研究 Office.




这个项目的重点是帮助初创公司和早期公司. Student/mentor teams assist companies by addressing the next critical step in their commercialization pathway. 大多数情况下,这是对产品市场的深入分析. 该团队确定总体和区域市场潜力, 市场细分, 市场垂直和执行SWOT(实力), 弱点, 机会, 威胁)分析. The session lasts 8 weeks and ends with a mini-symposium wherein all teams present their work. 公司可交付成果就是演示文稿, 收集的所有数据, 按学科组织, 以及一份4 -5页的小组调查结果和建议的执行摘要.


I2B-Consultants (I2B-C) are multidisciplinary teams of students that work with established businesses on specific projects. The I2B-C projects are more complex in nature and for a longer period of time (12+ weeks). Students must have participated in the I2B-startup program at least once and are often from the OU Honors Program. The projects are specifically designed by the company and typically address issues important to the company’s competitive stance. 交付成果与I2B项目相同.


The I2B -国际 (I2B-I) program consists of two components; (1) an opportunity for visiting international students to gain entrepreneurial experience and (2) An opportunity for OU students to work with early-phase companies overseas.

This program is for international graduate and undergraduate students to spend a 学期 at OU. 在十大菠菜台子上学术课程的时候, international students also can gain valuable experience working as a team member helping a start-up company get established by participating in the on-campus I2B program. The first student, a PhD candidate from Spain, participated in the Fall 2019 学期 I2B session.

This is an experiential learning process that exposes students to entrepreneurship and business practices in other cultures. The I2B-I program is designed to be flexible enough to provide students with individualized experiences. 开放大学的学生可以以个人或团队的形式旅行. It is anticipated that the student will have completed at least 5 学期s at Oakland and will travel in their 6th or 7th 学期.

It is important that the students receive academic credit hours for the I2B-I program. 该项目不被认为是一个合作或实习职位, 而是一个在国际层面上学习创业的机会. 维持他们的学位进程, 学生需要在I2B-I学习期间获得12个以上学分. 课程内容包括:

  • 相关学分. 在海外机构修的课程
  • 每小时4学分. 十大菠菜台子在线课程(或两门海外课程).
  • 体验式学习(4学分.在公司工作(每周20 - 32小时).  



I2B大使 gain business and entrepreneurial experience beyond that of an I2B team member.  大使代表开放大学校园内的I2B项目及其孵化器. 他们与教师、同学和地区公司互动. 他们在核心的创业活动中变得非常熟练, 业务评价, 通信, 市场营销, 等.

The role of the Ambassadors is to disseminate information regarding the I2B program, 找出感兴趣的人, 并协助项目运作. Ambassadors will work independently to meet with student groups and organizations.

大使是在竞争的基础上选出的. Successful candidates need not be business majors, or entrepreneurship students. Rather, they must have a keen interest in entrepreneurship and be able to express it. Candidates must have successfully completed at least one session as an I2B team member. 该职位面向大三、大四和研究生.

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